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六安b1級橡塑保溫管  難燃橡塑海綿管華美供應直銷

六安b1級橡塑保溫管 難燃橡塑海綿管華美供應直銷

簡要描述:六安b1級橡塑保溫管 難燃橡塑海綿管華美供應直銷






六安b1級橡塑保溫管  難燃橡塑海綿管華美供應直銷


Rubber and plastic heat preservation material and other insulation foam pore structure than:


1, glass fibre: open pore structure high water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor for 3 to 5), result in higher with the extension of use time coefficient of thermal conductivity, the heat preservation effect is reduced greatly.


2, foaming polyethylene: even the pore structure, adding flame retardant has a high water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor of 1000), the material of hard and brittle, easy damage, short service life.


3, rubber and plastic heat preservation material: obturator structure with minimal water vapor permeability (wet resistance factor of 10000 or above) to maintain low coefficient of thermal conductivity for a long time.


Heating, air conditioning pipe heat preservation material performance comparison table

材料名稱 密度 導熱系數 溫度 經濟指標

The name of the material Density coefficient of thermal conductivity temperature indicators

水泥珍珠巖管 250-400 0.058-0.087 <600 不適用

Cement perlite tube 250-400-0.058-0.087 < 600 shall not apply

巖棉保溫管 100-200 0.082-0.058 -268-350 綜合成本高

Rock wool insulating tubes, 100-200-0.082-0.058-268-350 comprehensive cost is high

硅酸鋁纖維管 300-380 0.047-0.058 ≤1000 價格較高

Aluminum silicate fiber, 300-380-0.047-0.058 or less 1000 price is higher

聚苯乙烯塑料管20-50 0.031-0.047 -80-70 價格適中

Polystyrene plastic pipe 20 to 50 moderate price 0.031-0.047-80-80

聚氨酯預制保溫管 30-42 0.023 50-160 成本高

Prefabricated polyurethane insulation pipe 30-50-160 0.023 42 cost is high

橡塑絕熱保溫管 50-60 0.032 -50-110 價格相對低廉

Rubber insulation pipe 50 to 60 0.032-50-110 price is relatively cheap


Cement perlite, rock wool, polystyrene plastics

六安b1級橡塑保溫管  難燃橡塑海綿管華美供應直銷


Rubber insulation pipe manufacturers in the process of the transportation of products will always meet this or that kind of problem, is that the correct analysis of these problems, and puts forward solution is particularly important. Below small make up just to give you the popular science.


Rubber insulation pipe can reduce heating energy consumption, is the new generation of energy-saving insulation materials. In the 1970 s, many countries have begun to attach importance to building energy efficiency, rubber insulation pipe began to market, reduce the heating heat consumption of energy.

六安b1級橡塑保溫管  難燃橡塑海綿管華美供應直銷


Rubber insulation pipe is a kind of closed-cell thermal insulation material, mainly used for pipe line or heat preservation and heat insulation of the equipment. A lot of rubber insulation pipe specification, is suitable for the different environment, different heat preservation and heat insulation of the equipment. Other environmental temperature, humidity, medium temperature and pipeline diameter are the influencing factors of rubber insulation pipe specifications: the environment temperature is higher, the thicker the rubber insulation pipe specifications; The larger the environment humidity material the thick; The thicker the medium temperature is lower material; The pipe diameter, the greater the rubber insulation pipe specification is thicker. As for rubber insulation pipe prices are affected by rubber insulation pipe brand, rubber insulation pipe specifications related to, and choose rubber insulation pipe should be considered when the above three factors, select the most suitable products.   


直轄市: 北京重慶 上海 天津
   陜西省: 西安、延安、銅川、渭南、咸陽、寶雞、漢中、榆林、商洛、安康
   四川?。?成都 、廣元、綿陽、德陽、南充、廣安、遂寧、內江、樂山、自貢、瀘州、宜賓、攀枝花、巴中、達州、資陽、眉山、雅安。

   浙江?。?杭州、寧波 、湖州、嘉興、舟山、紹興、衢州、金華、臺州、溫州、麗水。
   安徽: 合肥、宿州、淮北、阜陽、蚌埠、淮南、滁州、馬鞍
   河北省 石家莊、邯鄲、唐山、保定、秦皇島、邢臺、張家口、承德、滄州、廊坊、衡水 。



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